The name SoShine was derived from St. Matthew 5:16 (Let your light so Shine…). SoShine can be used as a noun, a verb, or an adjective. Adapted from the original context of the verse the meaning is as follows:(noun)name of the business. (verb) the state of doing something that positively impacts or influences the lives of others. (adjective)describe the attitude and willingness to do something or be a part of activities that instill positive change. SoShine is more than a description. It’s an aspiration, a role model, a need to go further and do more. It is a profound and compelling inspiration; a lifestyle through which one can progress into a truly righteous life.
Our vision is to see a transformation in the social, economical, and political environments of the region as a result of SoShine inspiring, informing, and educating society while leading positive change through its business endeavors.
We intend to be the premier source of Caribbean contextual information and media; as well as an engine for social change and development.
Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue isarcu erat, sit amet varius erat metus nisl.